Awful Truths About Dating That No One Ever Expects…UGH
By berrybuzzy |
Dating in today”s environment presents all sorts of hurdles. People don”t just “ask someone out.” Instead, they Tinder, use dating apps, or date online. That separation gives all of us the ability to craft and hone and perfect profiles… and deceive all would be suitors into thinking we”re awesome.
Perhaps if we”d known these 16 online dating truths ahead of time, we”d do a little better and save ourselves the heartbreak.
1. Online dating isn”t quick.
2. In fact… it takes FOREVER to find “the one.”
3. Some people make things easier by putting up weird photos.
4. Some display their “smartness” to help us filter.
5. Others well… send interesting messages.
6. Sometimes people can be a little TOO honest.
7. Others lie by omission.
8. Some guys fit the very definition of creepy.
9. Others are Stage-5 clingers.
10. Leaving you with only a few options…
11. … a bunch of taken people.
12. …and conspiracy theorist virgins.
13. Oh, and the occasional wanna-be murderer.
14. Maybe we should just give up. There”s more to life, right?
(via Guff)
So, the next time you see an attractive person on Tinder who says they like long walks on the beach, sold their startup for $50 million, and loves spending money on their significant other?
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